Saturday, April 17, 2010

17th April 2010 Early Morning

I saw myself at this hotel which had this vast circular area with elevators or turning door at its circumference. I entered the hotel at one end and saw people coming in and out of those elevators and turning doors. I got a call from my father. He asked me when I'd be home. I told him I'd be home the day after tomorrow. The signal was bad so I had to put my mouth just on the mouthpiece and whisper loudly. The call was cut eventually. I saw her leaving through one of the turning door on the other side.
I had not planned on coming to that place but I was following her who came to that place. I lost her when I walked out of the turning door to the other side.
I was with my friends. We were looking for some place to play, some card games I guess, gamble I guess. I was reluctant at first, but then later we all played, me and many of my batch friends. It was a gala time for us.

I saw myself in a seminar hall with steps type seating arrangement for audience. I saw someone giving a lecture on some topic of social science/sociology and I saw many of my batchmates, including Atul, attending that. And they were really enjoying it !!

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